Sunday, October 24, 2010

sods law

Raindrops on Saturday,  so delivery of art will now take place on 'Hallows Eve'...:O)

Friday, October 22, 2010

a gnome without a home...but not for long!

Saturday the 23rd will be our delivery day for all the beautiful, wonderful and astounding artworks collected over the past 3 months

and Mr Gnome will have a home at last!

art of all shapes, sizes, colours and genres....

original artwork = 59
photographs = 109
poetry and word art = 32
prints = 153
children's art and creation station = 218
textile art = 28

total amount of brillant art pieces submitted..... = 609....!!!...hurrah!
plus approx 20 hand made papers to be recieved today .... =629
give or take, more or less

cheers and applause!!

rolls and rolls and rolls.....

Woofer doodle doo!!!

Thursday, October 21, 2010