Friday, October 15, 2010


Tim McDevitt's Bio
by Tim McDevitt

Tim McDevitt is a boring accountant by day and boring non-accountant by night.
Weekends can go either way. He enjoys music, art and travel, always in search of enlightenment but content with a few pints of really good beer.
Future goals include reading his camera operating instructions....
A native of New Jersey who is mortified by the popularity of New Jersey Shore.
He lives in North Carolina with his Saint-in-training wife 'Rickie'.


  1. Nooooooo!!!!!!!! my wife is Rickie, not Vickie. 1 wrong letter might be close enough in many words, not not spousal names!! LOL

  2. Sorry Satch...

    lots of people loved your bio...:O)

    p.s..i promise not to tell vickie!


comments, tips, suggestions....welcome...:O)